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Plotting the Course for the New Strategic Future

By Corinne Lee | 5 minute read | December 14, 2022

At 存’s annual 2022 APAC Executive Council meeting in Singapore, Marie Chinnici-Everitt, 存 Managing Director and Chief Marketing Officer, spoke with Tim Keady, 存 Managing Director, President of 存的解决方案 and Chief 客户端 Officer (CCO), 帮助我们的客户驾驭不断变化的商业环境,同时实现运营弹性.

Related: Navigating Shifting Capital Market Landscapes

MC: 考虑到vnsr威尼斯城官网登入业正面临持续的逆风, 您认为存和我们的客户近期和长期最大的机会是什么?

TK: 在通胀压力和经营成本的背景下, 公司正在将他们的系统和应用程序迁移到云端,以实现可扩展的增长,同时探索数字平台的未来. 除了挑战现状和改变公司运营方式以提高运营效率之外, 即使在实施数字化计划的同时,他们也需要确保日常运营的顺利进行. 

Gaps and inefficiencies are often due to error-prone manual processing. 例如, 我们最近为一家经纪交易商公司完成了一个为期六周的咨询项目,以确保T+1在美国的运营准备就绪.S. 发现该公司33%的失败交易是由于不准确的长期结算指示(ssi)造成的。. 这个问题可以通过自动化和标准化交易后的交易匹配过程,并将匹配的交易与最新的常设ssi链接起来来解决 存的警报® database – mitigating the need for call backs and sharing SSIs manually.


MC:随着市场转向更短的结算周期,将会有上游和下游的影响. 在美国和其他市场,当公司准备转向T+1结算时,他们应该考虑什么?

TK: 它可以归结为理解一个人的业务流程,并利用技术来简化工作流程和降低操作风险. 存的中医® 为全球市场参与者提供一个通用平台,使他们的交易后确认过程自动化. 中医 is part of 存’s Institutional Trade Processing (ITP) platform, 一个开放的交易后基础设施,由一套集成的服务组成,使用无接触处理工作流消除冗余和人工干预.  With our no-touch processing, we are seeing 99.6%的美国国内贸易当日确认-使公司能够无缝管理T+1结算周期.

在亚太地区, 我们已与香港交易及结算所合作,将存的ITP平台与港交所Synapse连接起来, 一个开创性的平台,使用DAML SMART合约来加速北通股票交易的处理和结算. Following the launch of Synapse, 我们计划为其他中央交易对手清算所和证券存管机构提供类似的解决方案,以使其他亚太市场受益.

Related: Faster 结算 Processing for Stock Connect

MC: What are you hearing from the regulatory perspective?

TK: 尽管监管改革正朝着正确的方向前进,全球衍生品司法管辖区将在未来几年重新制定规则, 范围内的公司将需要加强或替换现有的流程和系统,以满足监管变化的修订要求.  And we are focused on supporting our clients as they prepare.

In fact, we launched 存 Consulting 服务 根据我们客户的需求,他们认识到这些规则变化的重要性,并希望我们的指导来管理管理不断变化的监管要求的复杂性, while optimizing operations and driving down costs. When it comes to regulatory change, we can help our clients review their reporting control framework, conduct regulatory change impact assessment, identify gaps in processes, and recommend and implement solutions in time for day one readiness.

To prepare our own infrastructure for the upcoming rules rewrites, 存开始对我们的交易存储库平台进行升级,并将我们的数据存储迁移到Snowflake(一种基于云的存储环境,由亚马逊网络服务(AWS)提供支持),以更有效地大规模处理数据.

MC: With many firms adopting a cloud-first strategy by 2024, what do you anticipate will happen in the cloud space?

TK: 存 has adopted a cloud enablement strategy for several years now – most of our tier-two applications for our ITP and 存储库 and Derivatives 服务 are already on the cloud; our internal applications are also cloud-based. 我们的目标是利用云将我们的数据vnsr威尼斯城官网登入更快地推向市场. To put our data in the cloud to good use, 我们已经创建了一套实践来优化和提高我们收集的数据的质量. 

Related: Preparing for a Cloud-Enabled, Data Driven World

MC: How is 存 improving the client experience and why is it important?

TK: Because we are user-owned and industry governed, providing a positive client experience is part of who we are. 我们专注于开发解决方案,这些解决方案首先是由客户不断变化的需求驱动的. We have adopted a three-step approach to do this right.

第一个, we need to listen to our clients, and build close client relationships to understand their pain points. 这是我们的甜蜜点——我们的客户关系经理与存咨询服务的专家合作解决客户的问题. 第二个, 我们需要确保最好的客户体验,并在企业范围内灌输这种心态,以提高客户的忠诚度. 第三, 我们需要从客户那里获得对我们服务水平的全方位反馈, product releases, 我们不断提供满足客户要求的vnsr威尼斯城官网登入和服务.

MC: With challenging business conditions on the horizon, are you optimistic about 存’s future in the next few years?

TK: 每一个挑战都为我们提供了创新和解决棘手问题的机会,否则这些问题可能会变成危机. It is about flipping the switch in our favor. 我们的机会是在我们的vnsr威尼斯城官网登入和服务取得成功的基础上,通过重新构想流程来提高效率,引领创新, 降低风险, 更低的成本, and reduce fragmentation in the financial ecosystem.


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